Can I choose a toll free number?

You can choose a toll free number by going to Toll Free Number Lookup website and ordering it. Once you order the number and its active, we will port the number over to our servers and put it in your account.

Toll Free # Lookup

If you have any questions contact support.

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Can I receive calls to my toll free number from payphones?

We do not accept calls on our Toll Free numbers from payphones.   

Can I receive calls to my toll free number from Canada?

By default, our Toll Free numbers do not have Canadian calling enabled. To enable Canadian...

Is voicemail available for toll free numbers?

Voicemail is an officially supported feature on our toll free numbers.To create a mailbox for a...

Can my toll free number forward to a fax number?

Yes, due to the nature of VOIP, toll free numbers can be forwarded to fax machines.

Why is my number busy when I dial it?

It is likely that you did not setup a destination in Phone Control Panel.Toll Free numbers are...